Colorectal Diseases
Prof. Dr. Gokhan CIPE
What is Incontinence?
Involuntary, uncontrolled gas and fecal abduction is called as Incontinence.
Causes of Incontinence
The most common cause is rupture or cutting of the anal muscles during labor.
Anal surgeries or traumatic injury can likewise cause damage to anal sphincters. In some people, stool incontinence is due to aging and weakening of the sphincter muscles.
Diagnosis of Incontinence
After the patient’s complaints and medical history are carefully listened for diagnosis, the anal examination with finger is performed and the strength and irregularity of the anal canal muscles is checked. Anal monometry and anorectal ultrasound are often used for diagnosis.
Anal manometry; it consists of a small inflatable balloon and a catheter with a pressure sensor. It is a device that measures the strength of the muscles of the anal canal by inserting it through the anal canal.
Anorectal ultrasound; It is a tool to understand the structure of the anal sphincter muscles and any damage using ultrasound waves with the help of a small device inserted through the anus.
Treatment of Incontinence
- Dietary changes are sometimes useful in patients with mild incontinence.
- Avoiding bitter and fatty foods may reduce incontinence.
- Patients with moderate symptoms can be treated with constipation drugs.
- Simple muscle exercises that your doctor may recommend may be useful in moderate incontinence. A type of physical therapy called biofeedback helps strengthen the anal muscles.
- Anal sphincter injuries require surgical treatment.
- Artificial sphincter may be used in people with nerve or sphincter muscle injury.
- Nerve stimulation is based on the control of defecation by the placement of a small device that electrically stimulates the sacral or tibial nerve. This method is used when the anal muscles are not damaged but weakened.
In very rare cases where the above options fail, it may be necessary to perform a colostomy to improve the quality of life of the patients.
Colorectal Diseases
Robotic Surgery
General Surgery